Greenview Living

 ~ a  place to stay with room to grow




Greenview Living

  • Affordable Housing
  • Self-contained Apartments
  • Starter homes
  • Family homes
  • Shared Ownership
  • Independent Living
  • Assisted Living
  • Sheltered Housing
  • Retirement Homes
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Our Vision

We believe that people feel happiest when they live in safe, comfortable surroundings. Our stylish homes are thoughtfully designed with light, modern and spacious interiors providing a place to truly call home.


Our Vision

We value people over profits and provide homes which are of the highest quality. Affordable housing should not mean inferior housing. We want people to be proud to live in the homes we deliver.  

A home built with love has no limits


Our Vision

We know people thrive best where there is a strong sense of community. We provide homes in locations with good transport links and local facilities helping people to stay connected.    


Our Vision

We create amazing homes for the future where people can live independently.
Greenview Living works hard to make life easier providing safe, happy homes in which people can live. 

Recent Projects

Alongside our partners and sister companies, Greenview Construction and Greenview Homes, Greenview Living has delivered many high quality developments over the last 30 years.  Below are examples of some of our most recent projects:

List of Services

Our Mission

Every member of our team believes in the wider benefits of giving people a home of their own. Independence, safety and freedom are incredibly important to us all. Well designed and constructed homes are an asset to the community whilst happy residents contribute far more to society than people who do not have a place of their own; who feel dispossessed, unhappy and undervalued. Greenview Living are determined to build quality homes for everyone.

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